
Mercedes-TDU Kooperation


Ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen TAU Computer Engineering und Mercedes Benz wurde auf Initiative von Alican Demir, einem Absolventen unserer Türkisch-Deutschen Universität, der derzeit bei Mercedes Benz Otomotiv Ticaret ve Hizmetler A.Ş arbeitet, realisiert.


"Ich bin stolz darauf, dieses Projekt zu realisieren, das meine Alma Mater und das Unternehmen, für das ich arbeite, zusammenbringt. Es war eine großartige Erfahrung für mich, den Campus, den ich vor 6 Monaten als Absolvent verlassen habe, im Namen meines Unternehmens zu besuchen. Ich hoffe, dass diese Zusammenarbeit auch in den kommenden Jahren fortgesetzt wird.

Alican Demir, stellvertretender Direktor


Als erster Schritt dieser Zusammenarbeit wurde zu Beginn des akademischen Jahres 2019-2020 ein Seminar und ein Einführungstag an der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität organisiert. Am 19. Februar hielt Özlem Vidin Engindeniz, Vorstandsmitglied von Mercedes-Benz und Leiterin des Daimler IT Solutions Centers, ein Seminar zum Thema "Leading in a Digital Age". In dem Programm, das bei den Studierenden der TAU auf großes Interesse stieß, stellte Gül Emiroğlu, Mercedes Benz Human Resources Group Manager, das Unternehmen vor und informierte über Einstellungsprozesse.


Im Rahmen dieser Zusammenarbeit wurde im Frühjahrssemester 2019-2020 ein Software-Projektkurs an der TAU Computer Engineering in Zusammenarbeit mit Mercedes Benz konzipiert und durchgeführt. In diesem Kurs arbeiteten insgesamt 26 Studierende des dritten Studienjahres aus den Fachbereichen Technische Informatik und Mechatronische Systemtechnik an 5 verschiedenen Projekten. Unsere wertvollen Gruppenmentoren, die jede Projektgruppe während des gesamten Semesters durch Mercedes Benz unterstützten, leiteten die Studenten an, indem sie den Fortschritt der Projekte durch regelmäßige wöchentliche Treffen verfolgten. Auf diese Weise hatten unsere Studenten die Möglichkeit, sich intensiv mit den in der Branche gängigen Methoden des Prozessmanagements vertraut zu machen.


"Wir danken unseren Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die sich mit ihrer sorgfältigen und engagierten Arbeit an einem so schwierigen Pandemieprozess beteiligt haben. Ich gratuliere allen aufrichtig, die uns dieses produktive Arbeitsumfeld ermöglicht haben.

Halit Musluoğlu, Business Analytics and Digital Solutions Group Manager


"I believe that we have benefited both personally and as a company from our collaboration with TAU. The outstanding performance of young colleagues despite their remote working conditions, their success in adapting to any environment and their ability to produce results very quickly with creativity have taught us a lot and made us look to the future with more light and hope for our country."

Yavuz Saka, Group Manager, Automobile R&D Informatics Department


Grading was done in the middle and at the end of the semester with collective presentations. All projects were successfully completed and the high satisfaction of our students and group mentors reinforced the intention to continue collaborating for similar courses in the future.


"We are very happy to have had the opportunity to come together with the esteemed professors and students of the Turkish German University within the framework of this cooperation. We listened to the products of the students with great pleasure. We saw great examples of "Project2Product", which we call "Project2Product", which we have recently attached great importance to within the scope of Daimler information technology strategies.


I would like to congratulate all the participating students for their successful work and presentations, and I hope that our cooperation with the Turkish German University will continue to increase in the future."

Özlem Vidin Engindeniz, Mercedes Benz Automotive Executive Board Member and Daimler IT Solutions Center Director

We are happy and proud of the success of our students despite the extraordinary conditions created by the transition to distance education with the pandemic process.

"Our collaboration with the Turkish German University was a very productive and enjoyable experience, despite the move from on-campus to online classrooms. Throughout the semester, the enthusiastic work of my fellow students in the project team gave birth to the idea of a real start-up, giving them a wide range of competencies from simulation and coding to financial analysis, and me a new vision with a great energetic working experience. I would like to congratulate them all for their efforts and thank the school management team for making this possible."

Onur Yiğit, Mercedes me connect Rollout Unit Manager


"In this project course, which brought SDC and TAU together, I had the opportunity to get to know the students and the university environment closely. We completed the semester by seeing and evaluating the software products that our students worked very hard on and created. I think that combining their energy, research and development efforts with our business life experience is a common gain for us. I hope that this cooperation will continue and we will continue to produce new ideas and projects together."

Burcu Bakkaloğlu, IT Applications and Processes Management, Unit Manager


"I am very happy to be able to offer such an opportunity to our students. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the realization of this joint work, especially our group mentors who supported the students throughout the semester despite their busy work schedules, and congratulate our students for their impressive presentations and success."

Canan Yıldız, Head of Computer Engineering Department